Travelling in your own backyard

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Torre Di Torta / Torre Pendente Di Pisa

Yesterday was my husband’s birthday and birthdays seem to require cake. A baker I am not but Pilsbury cakes and canned frosting aren’t too complicated so I prepare the tasty two layer dessert. When I placed layer number two on layer number one, I did not look closely enough to realize that my pilsbury creation was leaning. I noticed as I am frosting but decide it’s not too bad. When I finished frosting the lean is quite noticeable. I try to adjust but it’s hard to move a layer that is stuck in cream cheese frosting. I tried to compensate by putting more frosting on one side. However the lean was undeniable.

I couldn’t help but think of the leaning tower of Pisa. Much like me with my cake, the builders realized the lean of the tower a little too late but couldn’t stop – the endeavor must be completed! And now the tower is known for its unique and what seems to be gravity defying lean. Not what the architect originally envisioned but the tower has lasted 837 years - not bad! Pisa is on my list of places to see – hopefully before the tower falls. Today I took a cyber-historical tour of the tower and the grounds. When I research a place before I visit, it makes me ten times more excited when I see it for real. Here’s some info on Pisa:

So in honor of the leaning tower of Pisa and my husband's birthday our little family is marvelling at the lean of my cake and enjoying it and all it's uniqueness - not what I had intended but memorable just the same!


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