Travelling in your own backyard

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's it all about

I love to travel. No seriously I love it. I love going someplace new that I've never been to before, trying to figure how to get around, smell the smells, eat different food, people watch, see the architecture. I love trying to communicate in a different language or just listen to people's accents that are different than mine. I gravitate to the Frommer's guides every time I'm in Barnes and Noble and I have a box of maps.

I come by it honestly - my grandmother has traveled the world and use to send me postcards from locations like Fuji and Brazil and Paris. We have definitely decided there is a travel gene and we both posess it! It's the gene that makes us dream of drinking wine at an outdoor cafe in Rome or ziplining through the Amazon rain forest.

Travelling is something though that requires time and money and you must prioritize it over staying home to do the dishes, make the dinners, take out the trash and taking care of kids. Most days the daily drudgery must be done while my dreams of travelling sit on the back burner. I have 2 kids ages 5 and 1 and yeah, yeah - people say you can travel with kids but that is a different kind of travelling than I am interested in! It's hard to be the adventurous traveler in a foreign country while you are dragging a whining five year old girl who has a weak stomach and trying to keep a one year old boy from running into traffic!

But this blog will not be about my kids and their snotty noses and their incoherent sleep patterns or their funny faces and witty comments (but believe me i could talk for a long time about those things!). Instead this will be my retreat and my attempt to find the qualities I love about travelling in my own, wondrously blessed but somewhat boring, every day life.


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